Grade 4 Average Calculations
Here you find our other 4th grade worksheets. Our math exercises are based on the Singapore math curriculum.

Find Averages (Basic)
Averages of sets of 3 - Average of 3 Numbers
Averages of sets of 3 - Average of 3 Numbers
Averages of sets of 3 - Average of 3 Numbers
Of 3, 4 or 5 numbers - Find the Average of these sets
Of 3, 4 or 5 numbers - Find the Average of these sets
Circle Sets - Sets up to 8 numbers
Circle Sets - Sets up to 8 numbers
Vertical Sets - Sets up to 8 numbers
Vertical Sets - Sets up to 8 numbers
Missing Numbers - Average is given
Missing Numbers - Average is given

Averages of Practical Units
Like Units - Average of sets of Units
Like Units - Average of sets of Units
Like Units - Average of sets of Units

All our Grade 4 Math Topics

Our 4th grade math worksheets are free and printable in PDF format. Based on the Singaporean math curriculum, these worksheets are made for students in grade level 4. The fourth grade math sheets cover whole numbers and rounding off, addition and subtraction,division and long division, multiplication, estimation, fractions, decimals, mixed operations, geometry, factors and multiples, area and perimeter, graphing and data analysis, measurement of length, mass, volume and time.

Our worksheets per Grade Level

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