Grade 5 Long Division
Here you find our other 5th grade worksheets. Our math exercises are based on the Singapore math curriculum.

Multiples of 10 and 25
Divisor 10 - 4 Digit Long Division
Divisor 10 - 4 Digit Long Division
Divisor 25 - 4 Digit Long Division
Divisor 25 - 4 Digit Long Division
Fill in the Boxes - 4 Digit Long Division
Missing Dividend - 4 Digits by 2 Digits
Missing Dividend - 4 Digits by 2 Digits
Missing Divisor - 4 Digits by 2 Digits
Missing Divisor - 4 Digits by 2 Digits

4 Digits by 2 Digits
4 Digit Dividend - 2 Digit Divisor
4 Digit Dividend - 2 Digit Divisor
4 Digit Dividend - 2 Digit Divisor
4 Digit Dividend - 2 Digit Divisor
4 Digit Dividend - 2 Digit Divisor
Fill in the Boxes - Complete the Long Division
Missing Dividend - 4 Digit Dividend
Missing Divisor - 2 Digit Divisor

Larger Numbers
5 Digits by 2 Digits - Solve Long Division problems
5 Digits by 2 Digits - Solve Long Division problems
6 Digits by 1 Digit - Solve Long Division problems
6 Digits by 1 Digit - Solve Long Division problems
6 Digits by 1 Digit - Guided Practice worksheets
6 Digits by 1 Digit - Guided Practice worksheets
6 Digits by 2 Digits - Solve Long Division problems
6 Digits by 2 Digits - Solve Long Division problems
6 Digits by 2 Digits - Solve Long Division problems

All our Grade 5 Math Topics

Our fifth grade math worksheets are free and printable in PDF format. Based on the Singaporean math curriculum, these worksheets are made for students in grade level 5.

The topics we follow are: numbers up to 1 million worksheets, estimation of addition and subtraction, multiplying and estimation of answers, division and long division, mixed operations and Bodmas math worksheets, fractions and mixed numbers, decimal calculations and average calculations, factors, multiples and percent calculations, ratios, geometry and area/perimeters, graphing, speed and distance and measurement and conversion.

Our worksheets per Grade Level

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